Pledge for Rights-Centric Education: Difference between revisions

From Rights-Centric Education
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* There's work-in-progress content in [[Unclassified Pledge Content]] (will not be easy to make sense of)
* There's work-in-progress content in [[Unclassified Pledge Content]] (will not be easy to make sense of)

== Clarifying Remarks ==
== References ==
The RCE Framework is the civil society implementation of a proposal from the World Programme for Human Rights Education (First Phase 2005-2007) approved by the UN General Assembly to ''10 (x) Establish a rights-based quality assurance system (including school self-evaluation and development planning, school inspection, etc.) for education in general and create specific quality assurance mechanisms for human rights education;''
The RCE Framework is the civil society implementation of a proposal from the World Programme for Human Rights Education (First Phase 2005-2007) approved by the UN General Assembly to ''10 (x) Establish a rights-based quality assurance system (including school self-evaluation and development planning, school inspection, etc.) for education in general and create specific quality assurance mechanisms for human rights education;''

This includes also
For more information, please see [[Revised draft plan of action for the first phase (2005-2007) of the World Programme for Human Rights Education]]
*''15 (b) (iv) Mechanisms for sharing good practices, including networking of human rights educators at local, national and international levels;'' - those who commit to the framework will be sharing good practices and support others in implementing them
*''15 (a) (ii) A code of conduct for a school free of violence, sexual abuse, harassment and corporal punishments, including procedures for resolving conflicts and dealing with violence and bullying;'' - this is explicitly quoted in pledge to join the framework, but "school" expanded
*''15 (c) Students in a rights-based school will have:''
*#''(i) Opportunities for self-expression, responsibilities and participation in decision-making, in accordance with their age and evolving capacity;'' - also quoted in pledge, but for Children in all environments, not just Students in schools
*#''(ii) Opportunities for organizing their own activities, for representing, mediating and advocating their interests;'' - also quoted in pledge, but for Children in all environments, not just Students in schools
*''12. To this end, it is essential to ensure that human rights teaching and learning happen in a human rights-based learning environment. It is essential to ensure that educational objectives, practices and the organization of the schools are consistent with human rights values and principles. Likewise, it is important that the culture and the community within and beyond the school are also embedding those principles.'' - we've quoted the middle part in the Declaration
*''10 (vi) Identify and support a resource centre for collecting and disseminating initiatives and information (good practices from diverse contexts and countries, educational materials, events) on human rights education at the national level;'' - yup, that's what we are
*''10 (vii) Support and promote research, for example, on the knowledge of human rights, practices of human rights education in schools, students’ learning outcomes and the impact of human rights education;'' - we can contribute to this
*''10 (viii) Encourage research in human rights education by academic centres specifically devoted to human rights education, as well as through cooperation between schools, research institutes and university faculties;'' - I'm not sure if we are specifically devoted to HRE, more like HR in E, but we can support research from all the data we will be collecting
*''10 (ix) Participate in international surveys and comparative studies;'' - we're doing this
*''10 (xi) Involve learners and educators directly in carrying out monitoring and evaluation processes so as to promote empowerment and self-reflection.'' the learner-educator dichotomy is a manifestation of schoolishness, we rather involve all participants
*''11. Human rights education goes beyond cognitive learning and includes the social and emotional development of all those involved in the learning and teaching process. It aims at developing a culture of human rights, where human rights are practised and lived within the school community and through interaction with the wider surrounding community.'' - we want this too
*''13. A rights-based school is characterized by mutual understanding, respect and responsibility. It fosters equal opportunities, a sense of belonging, autonomy, dignity and self-esteem for all members of the school community. It is a school that is childcentred, relevant and meaningful, where human rights are identified, explicitly and distinctively, for everybody as learning objectives and as the school philosophy/ethos'' Good, but not just "schools", all environments
*''14. A rights-based school is the responsibility of all members of the school community, with the school leadership having the primary responsibility to create favourable and enabling conditions to reach these aims.'' - Yes!

Latest revision as of 17:40, 18 August 2024


This is the proposed Pledge for educational environments pledging to overhaul their educational practice as called for in the Declaration of Rights-Centric Education

When submitting plans, signatories are encouraged to, but not obliged to, make use of plans submitted by other signatories (that is how we share and make use of good practices from diverse contexts and countries); some suggestions are Examples of Overhauling Educational Practices

Draft Pledge for Rights-Centric Education

I/We pledge to overhaul All Practices within My/Our purview relating to Education of Children to ensure they respect, protect and fulfil the Rights of the Child, as called for in the Declaration of Rights-Centric Education.

Furthermore, expanding the provisions of the "Revised draft plan of action for the first phase (2005-2007) of the World Programme for Human Rights Education" approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 2005 to be applicable to all educational environments (not only schools), I/we Pledge to

  1. Publish a code of conduct for an environment free of violence, sexual abuse, harassment and corporal punishments, including procedures for resolving conflicts and dealing with violence and bullying;
  2. Provide opportunities for Children for self-expression, responsibilities and participation in decision-making, in accordance with their age and evolving capacity;
  3. Provide opportunities for Children to organize their own activities, for representing, mediating and advocating their interests;
  4. Periodically Report, preferably annually but no later than 24 months from the date of My/Our last Report, to the Rights-Centric Education Network (a voluntary network of individual and organisational Child Rights Defenders supporting the implementation of the Declaration of Rights-Centric Education)
    1. The extent to which Child Rights are currently Respected and Fulfilled in the Educational environment I/We have responsibility for; and
    2. An evaluation of the steps taken towards Respecting and Fulfilling Rights since the last Report (or, in the case of the first Report, all steps taken in the past); and
    3. A plan outlining the steps to be taken before the next Report.


Signatories can be:

  1. Parents / Guardians who are fulfilling their responsibility, right and duty to provide appropriate direction and guidance to their Child/ren in the exercise of their Rights (Art. 5 of CRC)
  2. Independent educational institutions (Established pursuant to Art. 29 2 of CRC), who commit to act in loco parentis vis a vis Art. 5
  3. State institutions providing Education (as defined in the Declaration of Rights-Centric Education) to Children, who are obliged under the CRC to respect, protect, and strive to fulfil the Rights of Children
  4. Any individuals or bodies who wish to claim the above rights even if they do not reside / operate in a country that has ratified the UN CRC

Optional Content in Pledges

Parties to the Pledge may include the following in their plans


The RCE Framework is the civil society implementation of a proposal from the World Programme for Human Rights Education (First Phase 2005-2007) approved by the UN General Assembly to 10 (x) Establish a rights-based quality assurance system (including school self-evaluation and development planning, school inspection, etc.) for education in general and create specific quality assurance mechanisms for human rights education;

For more information, please see Revised draft plan of action for the first phase (2005-2007) of the World Programme for Human Rights Education