Signatories of the Declaration

From Rights-Centric Education

Signatories of the Declaration of Rights-Centric Education can be

  1. Children exercising their Right to be Heard (Art. 12 of CRC)
  2. Parents / Guardians who are fulfilling their responsibility, right and duty to provide appropriate direction and guidance to their Child/ren in the exercise of their Rights (Art. 5 of CRC)
  3. Independent Educational institutions (established pursuant to Art. 29 2 of CRC) who commit to act in loco parentis vis à vis Art. 5
  4. State institutions operating schools and other educational environments (as defined in the declaration) who are obliged under the CRC to respect, protect, and strive to fulfill the Rights of Children
  5. Any other individuals or bodies with a designated role in respecting, protecting and striving to fulfil the Rights of Children (even if they are not responsible for an educational environment)
  6. Any other individuals (adult or child) or bodies who wishes to express support for the Declaration

Note: Signatories in UN Member States that have Ratified the CRC are encouraged to sign using the most appropriate of options 1-5